
5 Reasons Why Drainage Matters


Coronavirus, shifts in climate, and trade disruptions have not steered Fratco drainage systems provide uniform field conditions across your farm earlier in the year. you can get in, plant and get out before winter takes over. Research suggests proper drainage can get you in the field a month ahead of schedule.


Our line of work comes with caution and concern for safety, which can weigh heavily on the mind. The Centers for Disease Control and Pipe drainage produces a reliable and consistent yield increase. A recent university study showed that undrained soil saw a 46% fluctuation in yield in comparison with drained soil that only varied by 18%. Consistent yield allows for dependable cash flow which makes planning a budget even simpler.


Knowing stress-related warning signs when they bubble to the surface Correctly pattern-tilling means you’re set up for long-term success. Add control structures and extra laterals to evolve your system into controlled drainage or a subsurface irrigation system as technology advances.


AWith a Fratco system in place to properly drain fields, you’re able to start working as much as 30 days sooner and operate your machinery at all times. As a result, your crops mature faster and earlier which saves you on drying costs in the long run.


Listening quietly and with our full attention is the first step to lending a hand. Be all ears as to what is happening rather than only taking notice to fix issues. Every person and problem is unique, even if the theme of Keeping land in good condition can provide more than just a strong harvest. With higher quality soil resulting from proper drainage infrastructure leading to a consistent yield production year-after-year, your land will be worth considerably more should you ever decide to sell or lease the property.